WordPress Email Delivery Solved!

An easier way to get your critical email to the inbox.

MailHawk is the Best Choice for WordPress sites sending email!

Marketing Email, Password Reset Emails, WooCommerce Emails, New Account Emails & More!

Lightning Fast Delivery!

Your email will reach the inbox in seconds, ensuring happy customers and an uniteruptted sales process.

Domain Authentication

Authenticate your domain with SPF and DKIM to improve your deliverability.

Email Log

Keep a log of every email ever sent from your WordPress site. Handy if you have to prove delivery of an email to a customer.

Bounce Management

Keep track of bounced emails to prevent sending email to them in the future!

Delivery Analytics!

Know which emails are getting delivered and which are not so you can send better email.

Blacklist Management

Maintain a blacklist of emails and domains you do not wish email to be sent to, handy if your site is being spammed.

Email Quarantine

We will proactively quarantine emails based on previous sender activity to prevent damage to your sender reputation.

WordPress UI

Completely manage your domains, emails, and analytics from the comfort of your WordPress dashboard.

We specialize in getting WordPress email to the inbox. If you're emails are getting blocked, being marked as spam, or not sending at all, we can help! Our team's combined 20+ years of email delivery experience will stop at nothing to make sure all your email is delivered successfully!

Having trouble getting your email to the inbox?

Let us worry about getting your email to the inbox while you focus on growing your business!

No hassle inbox placement.

By using MailHawk to deliver your critical email, you are using our dedicated IP addresses for sending email. We maintain these IPs and ensure their sender reputation is top notch at all times so that services like Google and Yahoo will trust the email that you send is quality and not spam.

Lightning fast delivery.

MailHawk sends your email using newer REST API protocols, meaning super fast sending speeds so your critical emails gets to the inbox faster.

Marketers welcome!

We understand that businesses need to communicate with their customers to grow. That’s why our team understands the needs of marketers and offers unique solutions to ensure super high engagement and deliverability for our clients.

Fast & reliable support.

Our team understands that sending email can be hard sometimes. There is so much to know, and so much that can affect your reputation. If you ever have questions or need help in regards to sending better email, we are at your disposal and will be happy to help!

Start Sending Better Email!

Use MailHawk to reach the inbox every time!

Frequently Asked Questions & Resources

Have questions about MailHawk? See the list below to see if it answers your question.
If you can't find the answer you are looking for, contact us!

If you are sending lots of email from your site like notifications, receipts, password reset emails and more, you need to have MailHawk on your site to ensure the safe delivery of those critical messages.

MailHawk is a WordPress email delivery service specialized in delivering WordPress email. So you must have a WordPress site. You must also have an active MailHawk subscription.

MailHawk is it’s own email delivery service, meaning you do not need to sign up for an additional SMTP.

No, actually it will speed it up! Because MailHawk uses new REST API protocols to deliver your email your site will load faster and demad fewer resources!

Not at this time, we are WordPress email delivery experts and are solely dedicated to ensuring email sent by WordPress reaches the inbox.

Yes, however at this time you must connect each sub-site to the service individually.

Adding network wide support for whole networks is something we plan on adding in the future.

Yes, we have processes in place for residents of European countries to opt out of the MailHawk service.

Yes, by switching to MailHawk, a service dedicated to ensuring the safe delivery of WordPress emails, you will instantly see superior delivery rates to the inbox.

Start Sending Better Email!

Use MailHawk to reach the inbox every time!

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