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Companies Add-On update

Groundhogg’s companies add-on just got an upgrade!

Version 3.2 of Groundhogg’s companies addon is now available!

It fixes many issues, offers a more intuitive UI, implements several feature requests, and is just all-around more useful.

I’ll quickly highlight that the import bug has been resolved. Importing companies should now be a pleasant experience 😅.

We’ve also added search filters, the ability to send broadcasts to company segments, as well as add those segments to funnels.

Read on to see everything new!

🎉 Improved company view UI

We’ve redesigned the company view interface to make it more intuitive and similar to the individual contact view.

1️⃣ The company details card has been simplified, and fields have been moved to the general tab, just like the contacts UI.

2️⃣ The general company fields are now located in a “General” fields tab in the left panel, along with all the custom field tabs.

3️⃣ Notes and files have been moved to secondary tabs in the right panel, sharing space with the contact directory.

4️⃣ The directory search is also more useful, featuring the ability to search specific contact fields.

5️⃣ The directory search is now paginated to avoid potential space issues with companies with many associated contacts. You can also order the table columns by position and department! The table format allows us to use the familiar checkbox bulk actions UX.

🔍 Search filters

We added custom fields for company records some time ago, but they haven’t really been all that useful, since there was no way to search or segment companies.

Well, our work on the search filters feature in core has enabled us to implement it for companies! For now, you can filter on basic company fields, and all of your custom fields, just like contacts!

📨 Broadcasts and funnels for companies

One of the big feature requests has always been to make it possible to send broadcasts to companies, just like you can contacts.

While we can’t really do that (for reasons) we’ve done the next best thing by making it easy to create a segment of contacts associated with a company segment.

So, while you can’t send the company a broadcast, you can send the contacts associated with that company a broadcast!

To send a broadcast to the contacts of a company segment:

Search for the companies that you want to receive your email.

Once you have your segment, click the more actions dropdown and select send a broadcast.

This will open the familiar broadcast scheduler. When you get to the contacts step you will see new options for your contact segment.

There are two options.

Primary contacts for selected companies

Will only send an email to those identified as the primary contact for a company.

All associated contacts for selected companies

Will send an email to all contacts for all companies in the segment. If a contact is associated with more than one company, they will only get the email once.

All this also applies to adding contacts associated with companies to funnels, the process is identical.

Here’s the changelog for Groundhogg’s Companies 3.2

  • ADDED Search filters for companies.
  • ADDED Table sorting on the companies table.
  • ADDED Send broadcasts to associated contacts of companies.
  • ADDED Add associated contacts of companies to funnels.
  • ADDED Bulk actions for companies.
  • IMPROVED New UI for the companies screen:
    • Better searching and sorting of associated contacts
    • Merging companies
    • Improved layout
  • IMPROVED Exporting companies now happens as a background task.
  • FIXED Importing companies not working.

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