Unlock Your Business's Full Potential.

training event | February 2nd, 2023 | 9:00 - 16:00 EST

Find the next product, strategy, sales or marketing tip that will accelerate your growth in 2023!

Adrian Tobey

We made this day for YOU!

Since starting Groundhogg, our sole aim has been to equip small business owners and agencies with better, accessible tools and strategies that make it simple to launch, grow, and scale their businesses.

This year, we are making the ultimate pun, and taking the next step forward in providing epic value for small businesses and agencies by hosting our very first full-day training event.


Please join us and our amazing speakers, creators, business owners, marketers, and WordPress experts on February 2nd, 2023 for a value-filled knowledge-packed day.

You in?

Feel like your business or marketing strategy is missing something?

We’ve rounded up a super panel of experts in the Creator Economy, Agency Building, Marketing and Sales, Customer Experience Optimization, and more! If your strategy is missing something, our experts will help you find it.

Feel like you could be doing more, but you're just not sure what?

When you attend Groundhogg Day we guarantee that you’ll walk away with at least one epic action item you’ll be able to implement in your business to create results, fast!

Know what you have to do, but you're just not sure how?

Find the tools, guides, and step by step instructions you need to put your next big idea into action. Expert advice, real-world scenarios, and practical demonstrations will arm you with the knowledge and know-how to get big results in no time.

No more guessing. Just stuff that works.

Trial and error is so pre-Groundhogg.

Attend Groundhogg Day and walk away with actionable strategies (proven by real-world implementation) that will help you create growth and wealth.

Tune into sessions that will help both Agencies & Small Businesses at any stage.

...for Agencies!

Scale Your Agency

Take on more clients, but reduce overhead at the same time? Is that even possible?

Create Better Client Contracts

Don't let a bad contract with a client interrupt your business.

Stay Organized, Stay In Control

Don't let scope creep eat up your margins. Stay organized and stay on top of clients.

Charging More Money

Sometimes a difficult conversation to have, but made easy!

Productizing Services

Is it the right move for your agency?

Launching Client Projects

Launch client procjets on-time, every time with a super simple 3-step process.

...for Small Businesses!

Build a Better Funnel

Learn the elements of a high performing funnel, they're probably not what you think.

Improving Email Deliverability

What affects deliverability, and how can you land more emails in the inbox?

Write Persuasive Emails

Improve the effectiveness of your emai 10-fold with a few simple copywriting tips.

Integration Nation

Integrate your plugins and apps. No-code.

Making User Friendly Forms

Time to up your form game. Improve the UX of your lead capture forms.

Make Money with Courses

Can adding a course to your business create a new revenue channel?

The Small Business & Agency Experts that are ready to give you the goods, free.

You'd normally have to spend big bucks to get the same quality of information elsewhere.

More Speakers To Be Announced Soon!

8:30 am


Adrian Tobey: Groundhogg

Opening Remarks

Welcome to Groundhogg day. Learn how it works, how to participate, and how to get value out of our epic training day!

Oh, and whether or not we'll have an early spring!

9:00 am


Paul Tobey: TrainingBusinessPros

YouTube is a Gold mine! But many find fools gold. Is it for you?

Before you decide to jump into the YouTube game, let me share 3 things.

1. I will share with you the raw and unedited truth about what is really involved in marketing on YouTube.

2. Learn the SEO benefits & cash involved.

3. I'll show you how Groundhogg elegantly fits into this big picture.

By the end of this training, you will have enough knowledge to know if being a Content Creator is for you!


Francisco Opazo: Led by Community

How small business can leverage value and increase revenue using online communities

The idea is to help small business owners or agencies with productized services to use a community-led growth approach to scale their revenue, increase the value that each customer generates and increase the awareness and word of mouth about their brand or products without using money on expensive ads or marketing gurus.

This talk includes examples of current businesses using community-led growth at the centre of their growth and practical steps to get started if you, as a small business owner still on the fence.

Take home your strategy and actionable steps to launch your customer's community in less than 30 days.

10:00 am


Kurt Von Ahnen: Mañana No Mas!

Business Growth Through Action

Based on the book Action Leadership From the Edge, author Kurt von Ahnen discusses the benefits of increasing our influence through action, and embracing our natural roles of leadership.


Kris Britton: KAYBE

How to leverage hyperpersonalisation in Groundhogg to increase conversions.

Most small businesses, especially in the B2C market, don’t know where to start when trying to win more business from the big fish in the same pond. Groundhogg’s hypersonalisation features give you the opportunity to challenge larger businesses and grow from a market challenger to a market leader; utilising your data to implement an Account Based Marketing strategy.

In this session, you will learn how you can achieve a hyperpersonalised approach; ensuring that your clients receive a completely unique and tailored experience. Create meaningful interactions, meet expectations, and evolve your marketing and engagement to cater to each specific customer's journey.

11:00 am


Sunir Shah: AppBind

How real agencies escape The Scalability Trap

Nothing is more difficult than scaling revenue at an agency because selling labour is risky! More revenue means more payroll, which needs to turn over the month after.

For several years, I've been asking agencies in the Agency Connect community one question... "How have you made your agency a sustainable business?"

I'll get into the gory details real agencies are using.

* What are the business metrics that profitable agencies track religiously to keep in the black?
* What strategies are working?
* Is growth the only goal? Can you ever retire?

And if you stay to the end, I'll even offer to buy you a drink.


Maestro Stevens: Iconic Templates

Building a video marketing machine with WordPress and PrestoPlayer

In this presentation, you will learn how to harness the power of video marketing to boost your online presence and drive conversions. We will demonstrate how to use WordPress and Groundhogg with PrestoPlayer, a powerful video/audio plugin, to create a seamless and effective video marketing system.

Throughout the presentation, you will learn how to:

To increase website traffic and conversions, utilize PrestoPlayer's features, such as video customization, lead generation, and video optimization.

Integrate PrestoPlayer with Groundhogg to create powerful marketing and sales automation.

Measure the success of your video marketing campaigns with PrestoPlayer's and Groundhogg's analytics features.

12:00 pm


Kathy Zant: KadenceWP

How your agency can deploy client projects faster with design libraries using Kadence

Kadence is one of the most exciting things happening in WordPress right now. It's more than a theme, more than just the most innovative blocks plugin. Kadence is an ecosystem that helps agencies improve their workflows and create additional streams of revenue. Core to this ecosystem is Kadence Cloud, a simple plugin that does so much. With it you can create design libraries that inherit from theme settings that can be repurposed across client sites or used for lead generation. You can even create libraries that can be sold easily to provide additional streams of revenue. In this talk, Kathy demonstrates how Kadence Cloud works and showcases some case studies of how smart entrepreneurs are using Kadence Cloud to sell design libraries for additional revenue streams and even how GiveWP is using Kadence Cloud to give nonprofits fast and easy ways to build out donation pages through the GiveWP Cloud Library.


James Welbes: Apex Branding & Design

Great Marketers are full of BS (Brand Strategy)

Branding is one of the least quantifiable, measurable aspects of your business, yet it's arguably one of the most important. In this presentation, James will walk you through branding, why it's important, and how to start a conversation with clients.

1:00 pm


Michelle Frechette: StellarWP

Networking, Relationship Building, and Community

Very few people enter a community for the first time with a network already in place and relationships already established. We all started somewhere as a relative unknown. But if you set a strategic course for networking, building relationships, and participating in (and even building your own) community, then establishing your place in the ecosystem is attainable.

This session will talk about the basic building blocks of networking, and how building a community around your business can help it grow.


EJ Brown: FastSpring

How to Stand Out in an Inbox with Long-Form Newsletters

Newsletters are the new publication of choice for many consumers. I've had great success with long-form newsletters. One newsletter I started for an online magazine in 2021 resulted in a 60%+ open rate. In less than a year, the long-form newsletter I helped create for FastSpring has led to new sales opportunities in the six figures.

In this presentation, you will learn:

- How to choose newsletter topics and streamline the process by using the same content in a newsletter and on a company blog
- How to foster engagement and choose relevant CTAs that match a company's goals
- Tips on branding a long-form newsletter, such as whether it's better to send it out from a specific person or the company name, etc.

2:00 pm


Nathalie Lussier: AccessAlly

Build brand loyalty by delivering a unique and personalized logged-in experience.

Most marketing funnels treat each person the same, but not everyone going through your funnel will have the same context. Some people may be ready to sign up for your product or service, while others need to be nurtured.

In this session you will learn how to design a funnel that combines email with a personalized "logged in" experience that treats each person uniquely. In turn, this can increase your sales conversions and also build brand loyalty.


Chris Lema: Motivations AI

The Power of Segmentation for Recurring Revenue

Driving recurring revenue growth is not as complicated as some people make it out to be. It's all about your offers. Most freelancers and agencies aren't thinking strategically about them. Come hear how Chris has worked with multiple companies to embrace a segmentation strategy that has had tremendous results and will work for you.

3:00 pm


Emily Hunkler: GoWP

How to generate sales-qualified leads with evergreen content

Ask any agency owner their top pain point, and they'll often say "lead generation". But it doesn't have to be hard. What if there were a set-it-and-forget-it way to generate sales-qualified leads that land on your list warm and ready for outreach? At GoWP, we've generated SQLs through well-packaged, strategic evergreen content for years.

In this talk, I'll discuss:
- How to identify topics that resonate with your audience
- A scalable system to create compelling content
- How to package your content to generate leads


Chris Badgett: LifterLMS

How to Create Your 6 Figure Online Course Plan

Create your money making course plan in just 5 days so you can confidently launch your (or your client's) online course without wasting time and money.

4:00 pm


Adrian Tobey: Groundhogg Inc.

Integrate Groundhogg With the Meta Conversions API

The Meta Conversions API offers a better way of reporting conversion events to the Meta Marketing API. With the new integration, Groundhogg can send contact data and conversion metrics directly to Meta from funnels and instantly for e-commerce and WordPress registration events! Attend this session to learn more.

4:30 pm


Adrian Tobey: Groundhogg Inc.

My top 10 features in Groundhogg you didn't know existed!

Groundhogg is a big platform with many features, some of the best ones you may not even know existed! These are the top 10 features I use to improve productivity and results.

A Full Day of Epic Content to help you Grow!

Attend the sessions you think will help you move your business forward.

All sessions are recorded and will be sent to registrants.

What are you waiting for?!?

Don’t settle for repeating the same day, or same strategies over, and over, and over again.

Learn something new, try something risky!

Learn how other businesses are creating epic value for not only themselves, but their clients as well.

Will I see you there?

Provide your details to register now! This event is $197 100% free. No payment required.


🔒 Your information is private. No spam.

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