Need to find your mostly “Ready to Buy” customers fast?

Lead scoring is one of the most effective ways to find your most likely “ready to buy” customers. The largest organizations in the world use lead scoring to determine when it’s the right time to send you a promotion, exclusive offer or to upsell you to a better product.

Usually, lead scoring comes bundled with the world’s priciest software packages, but now you can use our cost-effective and easy to set up system to help you determine your ready buyers in just a few minutes.

You can set up a variety of triggers to increase or decrease a customer’s score based on events link opening or clicking a link in an email, filling out a form, visiting a web page, and more!

How it works!

1. Edit your rules to suit your needs. Decide on the number of points you want to add or subtract and which kind of action will trigger the rule.

2. There is no limit to the number of rules you can add. You also do not have to start from scratch if you change your configuration, click Re-Calculate Lead Score to recalculate the lead score for your entire list based on your new configuration.

3. Easily find how ready any particular contact is at any given time by searching for contacts with a certain score or level.

4. It’s up to you to decide how many points are required to reach a new level of “buyer readiness.” Change the default options to match your company’s needs.

5. Quickly reference your leads by mapping tags to your lead score levels. These options are auto-generated but you can change them if you like.

6. The critical information you need is always at your fingertips with new reports added to the dashboard.