Increase Your Conversion Rates With Proof!

Social Proof is one of the easiest ways to increase conversion rates on your lead capture pages. It works based on fundamental human behavior, “Monkey See, Monkey Do.”

Consumers are driven to do as others do on the principle of FOMO (Fear of missing out). So if you pair social proof and some sort of limitation, their ability to miss out is heightened, and their readiness to subscribe is increased.

Why use Social Proof?

  • They increase sales, subscriptions, opt-ins, and conversion rates in a matter of seconds.
  • Show an image of the subscriber, their location, and a custom message.
  • Add instant credibility to your pitch.
  • Customers often look for social proof whenever making a purchasing decision.
  • The potential ROI is enormous.

Our Simple Settings Page Has You Up & Running in Seconds!

With a few simple settings, you can have a social proof campaign up and running in seconds.

Proof works based on completed benchmarks in funnels, and you can use any combination of benchmarks for any one proof.

Upon creating your first proof, you won’t need to wait for new opt-ins for proof to show. It will look at your existing contacts database and start working based on previously completed benchmarks.

Put proof on any page of your choosing! Just add the URL to the settings and that’s it.