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Every new change to Groundhogg in the last 2 weeks…

Groundhogg 2.7 brings new changes that will allow users to build more complex funnels using logic to enhance the experience of their customers.

Improved funnel builder & email editor interfaces

We knew that our funnel builder was getting tired. We’ve been working on new UX for the funnel builder for over a year at this point for 3.0, and we’ve finally brought some of that UX to production with our latest updates.

A fresh color scheme, textual helpers in the step flow, and drag-and-drop interactions make building funnels a more enjoyable experience.

Textual helps in the step flow making it easier to read and understand how your funnel will perform.

Our drag-and-drop email editor also received a facelift.

Less has changed as far as UX goes, but it received the same color scheme treatment and a cleaner layout for settings and blocks.

Reports get a facelift too!

The reporting dashboard also received a facelift with updated visuals, new metrics, and more data access with clickable reports to show you contacts that match any given report.

Contacts can enter funnels at inner benchmarks

Generally, contacts can only enter a funnel at the starting benchmarks, however, with the introduction of benchmark settings, you can make it possible for a contact to enter the funnel at any benchmark.

You will see an Entry label in the step flow for any inner benchmark where contacts can enter the funnel.

Count funnel conversions from multiple benchmarks

Conversions in funnels used to be automatically tracked by a contact completing the last benchmark in a funnel.

Now, you can select one or more benchmarks in the step flow to count as a conversion.

If a conversion rate is not applicable to the funnel, you don’t have to select any step as a conversion and the conversion rate will show 0% in the reports.

Also, any changes in the conversion benchmarks are retroactive, so changing the conversion benchmarks will show an instant change in the conversion rate report.

Importing funnels correctly imports relative step behavior

Importing funnel templates often lead to some confusion when attempting to import complex configurations realted to the conditional logic addon, timers, and link click benchmarks.

The import process has been improved greatly to do the following:

  • Correctly preserve the relative Skip To Step setting for conditional logic configurations
  • Correctly preserve the relative Skip To Step setting for passed dates for the Advanced Timer, Field Timer, and Date Timer actions
  • Correctly preserve the Loop back to Step setting for the new Loop action
  • Automatically search and replace Link Click Benchmark Tracking Links in email content within the funnel with the new links

Template library updated with new content

With the improved import process, we’re able to add more advanced funnels to the template library, which we’ve been doing!

We’ve also updated the library to hide templates for users that don’t have the neccessary step types installed.

New Loop action makes creating repeating funnels easier

The new Loop action is part of the Advanced Features addon, and makes it easy to create looping sections of a funnel.

For example, you can create a funnel that sends a persistent weekly reminder!

Apply Note action now uses a rich text editor

You now have as much formatting control for notes in the funnel editor as you do adding notes to the contact from the contact screen.

Admin Notification action also uses a rich text editor

The rich text editor for admin notifcations makes it possible to add links, headings, and formatted content to your notifactions.

Edit Meta action has math functions

You can now use math to modify custom field values from a funnel. This would make it possible to collect points for interactions with your site, or implement a rewards program.

Field Changed benchmark now has logic for value comparisons

When a custom field is changed you can now compare it with additional comparisons to make more advanced funnels.

Conditional Logic addon converted to use the filters component

Before our conditional logic addon was limited in the information you could use to determine whether a step should be completed or not. And also it was ugly.

Now, we have implemented our filters component to replace the old logic builder. Our filters component gives you access to all registered search filters for the site. You can build logic based on…

  • WooCommerce data
  • User data
  • LMS data
  • Site Activity
  • Previous funnel history
  • Tags
  • Custom fields
  • And more!

The new implementation also enables you to take advanced of include and exclude at the same time, enabling granular configuration.

New integration with Presto Player

Our integration with Presto Player automatically collects leads from Video Opt-in forms, and allows you to do automation based on video watch progress.

New integration with WhatsApp

Our WhatsApp integration enables limited 2-way communication through WhatsApp via Twilio. Send WhatsApp messages in funnels and see replies in the contact activity stream.

Limited 2-way SMS with Twilio

We’ve also implement limited 2-way SMS communication, enabling the new Twilio Reply benchmark which can listen for replies via SMS and WhatsApp.

You can setup opt-in flows that will create contact records when people text specific keywords to your twilio phone number.

Intead of using plain or encrypted IDs to indentify Groundhogg resources, we have introduced the Step Slug which provides a pretty URL that makes identifiying resources in use easier.

Any resource links in active use are backwards compatible.

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